My Christmas Wreath "Makeover"
Alright. So here's what I get for being cheap and buying a $10 wreath from the grocery store...
I get a disheveled wreath shaped like an oval with a sad bow.
I really wanted a "live" wreath for our front door this year. However, I couldn't exactly find it in me to fork over $25 (or more) for something I would dispose of not too long after Christmas (not this year anyway). I noticed the grocery store had $10 wreaths and I thought, "great price!" So, yesterday I went out and picked the best wreath that I could find in the bunch. I found a "full" wreath and headed to the cash. However, before I even got to the cash I realized it needed a new bow, because quite frankly, the one attached is a smidge sad. So off to Homesense I went to find some ribbon and I found this pretty stuff...
All I really did was take off the "sad" bow...
And yes, while the wreath is still mis-shaped and a bit disheveled, I still like it. The new bow made it much better (at least I think anyways); & really what could I expect when paying $10 and buying my wreath from the grocery store? :)
Have you ever given a wreath a little touch of your own? Sometimes the smallest tweak can make all the difference.
Now this looks fabulous! Love the bow.