Pregnancy & Baby Update

This isn't a usual post around here but, I thought today it'd be fun to share a little bit of a pregnancy & baby update with you all. Over the weekend we entered week 29. We are in THIRD trimester, people! I seriously don't know where the time has gone. Not long now and baby will be joining us. I'm kind of freaking out a little. That's OK to say, right???

Photo Update from week 28 (this will be the first & probably last. Ha!). I know they say you show earlier your second pregnancy & that (the majority of the time) you get bigger quicker. I find those both to be true for me. I definitely feel bigger this pregnancy than I did last time.

How I'm Feeling: I feel great overall. Thankfully! Some days I'm tired, but that could just be from chasing my 2 1/2 year old around. Thank goodness she sleeps through the night quite well. Let's hope that continues.

What I'm Wearing Lately: Mostly maternity clothes. I can still incorporate some non-maternity items into my daily wardrobe, which is nice. Although, I'm not sure for how much longer. Oh, and I've been enjoying maxi dresses & t-shirt dresses. They're probably the best thing ever for a summer pregnancy.

To be honest, I tried not to buy too many summer maternity clothes since I'm sure I'll have to buy some fall things as well. I was pregnant with E through the winter so I'm hoping some of the things I wore with her will fit this time around/still be OK for when the weather gets a bit cooler.

What I'm Eating/Craving: I'm not going to lie, I've been craving junk food. It doesn't mean I eat it all the time, but I'm definitely craving it more than usual. I have been eating lots of these veggie & hummus wraps though. And obviously when I eat I try and stick to healthy choices (especially when snacking!).

Food Aversions? In the beginning of my pregnancy I wasn't feeling so great and didn't feel like eating much of anything. But once my nauseousness passed I found I was good to eat pretty much whatever. Although, every now and then then if I was cooking chicken I couldn't stand the smell of it raw when it was being prepared.

Coffee is another thing I just didn't like the taste of anymore. But that has since passed, although I seem to prefer it iced the days I do have it. Overall, no real food aversions.

Baby Boy or Girl? I suppose it's about time we share that come late this fall we will have a little BOY joining our family! We're pretty excited. Since we found out we've been slowly collecting some boy things here and there. It's a whole new world ;)

Nursery Plans/Ideas: Now that we know we're having a boy we can move forward with nursery ideas etc. However, baby boy will eventually be sharing a room with his sister, so we'll be doing a nursery/toddler room combo. A Boy/Girl combo. So we will see how that works out. I'm trying to think how to make it function well for both a baby & a 2 1/2 year old.

He'll first sleep in a bassinet in our room & then when he's ready for the crib we'll move him in with his sister just across the hall.

I feel like this pregnancy is flying by. I think it's because this time around I also have a toddler to focus on and care for. Not to mention, we're still settling in our new place and this summer has been a lot of travel etc. Just a guess. I do love the summer, but I'm definitely looking forward to September (have I mentioned I love the fall?) and settling into a routine this fall.

Oh, and any of you out there who have your kids share a room (specifically young ones), how have you made it work? I'd love to hear your ideas & tips!
