3 Ways To Top Steel Cut Oats

I haven't always been a breakfast person. It's something that's starting to grow on me. More than likely because our little (obviously) needs breakfast in the morning, and so it's something we do together. Don't get me wrong, I'd go out for a good breakfast any day. But, on a regular ordinary morning, I'm not always the greatest at getting myself something to eat. It's more of an I'll eat when I feel like it/grab whatever, kinda thing. 

All that to say, I'm trying to be intentional about sitting down with our girl to eat in the mornings when the days allow. It's so easy to try and multi-task when I plop her in her highchair in the mornings. Unload the dishwasher, clean up the kitchen, start meal prep for dinner (if I'm thinking that far ahead), etc. So I'm trying to slow down and eat something when she does because, some days, the dishes can wait. 

One thing I'm back to enjoying is steel cut oatmeal. It takes longer to make than instant oatmeal, but one great thing is you can make a larger batch and store the leftovers in the fridge for the next few days. And it doesn't get soggy! 

So here are 3 ways I like to top my steel cut oats:

1. A Sprinkle of brown sugar & fruit (My fruit of choice is frozen blueberries. We always have them on hand. But I'm also a fan of blackberries & raspberries too).

2. Greek yogurt, maple syrup, fruit, and shredded coconut.

3. A glob of natural peanut butter & bananas.

I'm a dash of milk on my oatmeal kinda girl. So I always add milk too.

Those are just a few ways I like to top steel cut oats. Like I said, I try and make a batch once a week and that way a few days of week there isn't the question: what am I going to eat for breakfast? So tell me, how do you like to top steel cut oatmeal?
