Life Lately

It's probably going to continue to be quiet around here for a bit as we finish packing up the house and get ready for our move. And then we'll have to settle in to our new apartment. I'm sure I'll be posting updates on Instagram, so you can follow along there. Until then, here's a little look at what we've been up to lately...

The end of May we celebrated 9 years of marriage. NINE. It kind of seems crazy to me, time is going by quickly. We decided to head to the ocean for the day. Went to the aquarium, grabbed lunch, and enjoyed the sunshine (all with our toddler in tow - she had fun!). It was a beautiful day and I'm glad we were able to do something at a different pace for the day. 

The weather has been quite nice around here and so the little and I have been trying to get out and walk at least once a day. We always see so many beautiful blooming trees on our route (although I think now they're all past blooming), and this particular day one had created the prettiest blanket for the pavement.

Packing up the house means that I've come across some things that I've had tucked away. This frame has been tucked away since we've moved in here. You can see how I used it at our last place here. Anyways, since I came across it I decided that it needed to be painted for E's room. Because, of course, I'd rather be doing little projects than packing! I'll share what it looks like in it's new home when we arrive.

And, by the way. Remember this little round-up I did of Target-like finds? Well I found this cotton rug at our Walmart and since we were in need of a rug, and the price was right, I decided it needed to come home with me. So far I'm really liking it. I'll be sure to share a little more about it once we get settled in our new place. 

I think I've been enjoying sidewalk chalk a little more than my daughter. She'll scribble a little and then walk around the driveway with as much chalk as she can hold. It's pretty cute.

Last week we were able to get away for a bit to see some family in Maine. It was nice to move a little slower and not have to worry about anything. The weather was beautiful and it was the perfect start to summer. We were even able to have our first bonfire of the year (with s'mores of course!).

That's just a little bit of what we've been up to lately.
I hope your summer is getting off to a good start! I'll be back soon, friends!
